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Richmond & South West London
© Marcus Roberts
Touring the Area
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Touring Jewish Richmond
From the point of view of a Jewish Heritage tour, Richmond is in many ways ideal. It is a beautiful town of great historical character, with many fine buildings, whose Jewish sites are in most cases still surviving and very well preserved. While Richmond is well worth visiting in its own right it is fortunate that its finest areas and buildings largely coincide ones of those of considerable Jewish interest.
The best place to start a Jewish tour of Richmond is from Richmond Green. From there a nearly circular walk can be taken passing along the green, through the site of the old palace, down to the river side and along the river to Richmond Bridge and modern day Heron Square and its near vicinity.
Those with more energy (or transport) can then go up Richmond Hill towards the Royal Park ending at the Terrace, where there are exceptional views of the Thames and the area.
The better part of the day could be spent in Richmond, though those with less time could complete the first part of the walk in about an hour and a half or two hours.
For those with more time and transport, there are many other locations in the south west and south of London, with significant and interesting Jewish associations, in Isleworth, Barnes, Morden, Mitcham, Roehampton, Wandsworth, Tooting, Norwood and Sydenham Hill. The places in these locations mentioned in this trail are not in the least exhaustive of possible Jewish heritage much of which still awaits further research.
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